
Welcome aboard my blog—a spacecraft navigating the vast universe of my life’s experiences. I’m James Burgess, and this blog is the launch pad for my upcoming book, “Dear God and the Universe,” set for release in 2025. Here, I chart a course that reflects on the past and focuses on the now, from my roots in small-town South Georgia, through educational explorations in Florida, ambitious ventures in New York City, and a triumphant return to Georgia. Along this journey, I’ve navigated my identity, wrestled with my sexuality, faced the complexities of family dynamics, nurtured friendships, and grappled with my faith, all while managing the ups and downs of my mental and physical health.

Each post is a mission log, documenting my journey with optimism, determination, and creativity. These entries provide substantiated insights into my personal evolution through challenges related to identity, sexuality, family, relationships, mental and physical health, and religion. My active involvement in politics, community engagement, art, and music also takes center stage, illustrating how these passions have shaped my public and private life. More than just cataloging struggles, these stories celebrate victories, big and small, showcasing how each experience has been a stepping stone to greater understanding and fulfillment. As we gear up for the book launch in 2025, I invite you to join me on this journey, exploring the stars of our inner and outer worlds. Let’s embark on this grand adventure together, sharing tales of resilience and triumph that resonate with all who travel through life’s boundless landscapes.

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